Washington Indian Gaming Association

Tulalip Resort Casino 10200 Quil Ceda Blvd, Tulalip, CA

The Washington Indian Gaming Association (WIGA) is a non-profit organization of tribal government leaders of federally recognized Tribes in the state of Washington. As a trade organization, WIGA’s purpose is to educate and disseminate information to the Indian gaming community, federal and state governments, and the general public on issues related to gaming in Indian […]

CIFE Summer Program 2020


This year’s CIFE Summer Program is a global, online event. It will focus on this theme: How should owners, designers, and builders behave when projects are delivered collaboratively and digitally? Many project teams have experienced the advantages of digitally-supported, collaborative project delivery over the past years. Hence, this approach is becoming increasingly common. To take full […]

University of Hawaii Fall Engineering Career Day: PM


The College of Engineering's Career Day is going virtual! Our online, cloud-based platform will make it easy and fun for you to participate. During the event, you will be able to connect directly with top organizations in Hawaii and the mainland from the comfort of your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Explore our industry partners' booths, learn about opportunities […]

Shadow Summit


Innovation To Save The Planet Architects, engineers, contractors, and building owners/operators: do you know what technology you can implement to save the world and improve your bottom line? Venture capital investors: are you ready to invest in real built-environment technology that is changing the way we do business? No matter which of these positions you […]