Swinerton Wins Safety Excellence Awards Companywide
Every year, the Associated General Contractors (AGC) and Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) associations recognize construction companies that excel at safety performance through their Safety Excellence Awards. In 2021, Swinerton was formally announced as an award winner in multiple categories:
- AGC National: Construction Safety Excellence Award: 2nd Place
- AGC California: Construction Safety Excellence Award—Building Division: Over 4,000,000 Worker Hours Category
- AGC Washington: Grand Award for Safety Excellence
- AGC Washington: Safety Excellence Award: 200,000-500,000 Worker Hour Category
- AGC Washington: Superintendent of the Year: Travis Porto
- ABC Central Texas: Safety Excellence Award
These Safety Excellence Awards involve examining the applicant company’s commitment to safety, occupational health management, and risk control. In addition to evaluating the standard metrics of frequency rates, the award’s selection process encompasses a more comprehensive approach as it also looks for evidence that a company exemplifies: company management commitment; active employee participation; safety training; worksite hazard identification and control; and safety program innovation.
As a finalist for each of the awards, a team of Swinerton safety and operations representatives gave a successful oral presentation to a panel of judges to detail the above program components—ultimately locking in Swinerton’s award-winning positions!
We would like to congratulate all our company team members on accomplishing these recognitions. Swinerton is a leader in the industry with a best-in-class safety program. The proof is not just in these types of awards, but in every successful project that our employee-owners work hard to build. Whether you are part of our critical shared services groups, are helping to drive success on one of our project teams, or are a Swinerton craftsperson putting in safe and quality work in the field, all of us have a part in sustaining Swinerton’s safety culture and ensuring that we truly Make Safety a Habit.
It is always important to celebrate these successes as affirmations of the hard work it takes daily to be at the forefront of our industry when it comes to safety. Just as important, though, is the confirmation that being an industry leader means that we must continue to find ways to lead by example, drive continual improvement, and set a standard of excellence that pushes our success forward. We can say with confidence that without a doubt Swinerton is ready to meet that challenge!
Let’s all work together to continue keeping our jobsites safe and healthy. And always remember YFNY—Your Family Needs You!